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Caesar riding on his chariot, from 'The Triumph of Caesar', 1504. Creator: Jacob von Strassburg.
Trumpeters leading Ceasar on horseback, from 'The Triumphs of Caesar', 1504., Creator: Jacob von Strassburg.
Figures on horseback, from 'The Triumph of Caesar', 1504. Creator: Jacob von Strassburg.
Figures bearing trophies and and carrying wreaths, from 'The Triumph of Caesar', 1504. Creator: Jacob von Strassburg.
Figures carrying standards and trophies: from 'The Triumph of Caesar', 1504., Creator: Jacob von Strassburg.
Various figures in procession, from 'The Triumph of Caesar', 1504. Creator: Jacob von Strassburg.
The Triumph of Caesar: Statues of Venus and Mercury, after 1503. Creator: Jacob von Strassburg.
Trumpeters, from 'The Triumph of Caesar', 1504. Creator: Jacob von Strassburg.
Chariot with trophies of war, from 'The Triumph of Caesar', 1504. Creator: Jacob von Strassburg.